The Super Funtime Arcade cast list has a few open spots that need to be filled!
Definitely Rey!
I think she's a shoo-in now.
How ’bout Darth Talon, Aayla Secura (either being better than Ahsoka), Queen Jamillia or Ailyn Vel (daughter of Boba Fett in the Extended Universe)?
Mara Jade
and Mon Mothma
My pick of STAR WARS girls -
1. Ahsoka Tano
2. Hera Syndulla
3. Sabine Wren
4. Leia Organa/Skywalker
5. Rey
Right now, the list is:
1. Leia
2. Padme
3. Ahsoka
4. Darth Talon
Would much prefer to see Mara Jade.
Definitely Rey!
I think she's a shoo-in now.
How ’bout Darth Talon, Aayla Secura (either being better than Ahsoka), Queen Jamillia or Ailyn Vel (daughter of Boba Fett in the Extended Universe)?
Mara Jade
and Mon Mothma
My pick of STAR WARS girls -
1. Ahsoka Tano
2. Hera Syndulla
3. Sabine Wren
4. Leia Organa/Skywalker
5. Rey
Right now, the list is:
1. Leia
2. Padme
3. Ahsoka
4. Darth Talon
5. Rey
Would much prefer to see Mara Jade.